PhotoSounds OEM line of products is an ideal starting point for the development of custom systems where the parallel acquisition of multiple channels is required. All our ADCs are streaming and allow the continuous acquisition of data straight to the receiving computer for processing or storage.
PhotoSound’s ADCs are feature-rich, they have multiple electronic and optical trigger inputs as well as programmable outputs that allow the timing control of additional devices. It is possible to combine multiple ADCs in parallel. Simultaneous acquisition of 4096 channels has been realized routinely.
What is X-Ray Acoustics?
X-Ray Acoustics is the conversion of pulsed X-rays into sound waves. The interaction of X-rays and tissue is weaker than that of optical light which allows for deep penetration. However, the same weak interaction is greatly reducing contrast. The long pulse duration of X-ray sources limits the spatial resolution of X-ray acoustic imaging systems.
While probably unable to compete as an imaging technique in comparison to conventional imaging solutions, it offers unique possibilities for monitoring and dosimetry of radiation therapy. Accurate real-time monitoring of dosage and placement can potentially be a game changer in radiation therapy and would reduce the amount of treatment cycles and time required.
Photosound products are uniquely suited for the acquisition of acoustic signals generated by pulsed X-rays. The high input impedance of our preamplifier ensures the faithful recording of low-frequency signals, their high gain, and low SNR along with the high channel count minimizes the amount of X-ray pulses required to require data.

PhotoSound Product Used
Real-time, volumetric imaging of radiation dose delivery deep into the liver during cancer treatment
Model-Based 3-D X-Ray Induced Acoustic Computerized Tomography
GPU-Accelerated 3D Volumetric X-Ray-Induced Acoustic Computed Tomography
In Situ X-Ray Induced Acoustic Computed Tomography with a Contrast Agent: A Proof of Concept