256-Channel Analog-to-Digital Converter

- Compact, durable and light enclosures with integrated cooling fans
- Streaming ADCs for continuous data acquisition with no buffering or multiplexing
- Each analog channel has integrated amplifier with digitally controlled gain
- Acoustoelectrics
- Generate trigger output at defined rate or repetition of external trigger input with programmed delay
- Connect up to four units in parallel and acquire more data at fast data acquisition rates
- Sync external hardware with data acquisition using electronic or optical IN/OUT ports
- Standalone control software based on MATLAB, open SDK written in C# and access to raw RF data
- 128/256-channels
- 9 to 48 dB programmable gain (49-88 dB w/ optional preamplifiers)
- 12.5 kHz to 25 MHz analog bandwidth (40 kHz to 25 MHz w/ optional preamplifiers)
- 12-bit resolution
- 40 MSPS sampling rate
- 50 Ω input impedance (2.2 MΩ w/ optional preamplifiers)
- Up to 200 Hz (256-ch) or 400 Hz (128-ch) trigger/frame rate
- Up to 4096 points/frame/channel
- Choice of input connectors for 128- or 256-probes or arrays
- Photoacoustics (Optoacoustics)
- X-ray Induced Acoustics
- Thermoacoustics
- Acoustoelectrics
- 3D Tomography
- Photoacoustic Microscopy (PAM)
- 2D Imaging
- Multi-Sensor Monitoring
- Non-Destructive Testing
- Transducer Manufacturing
- Low Voltage Ultrasonics
- Neuroimaging
- Anatomical Imaging
- Cancer