SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Imaging System TriTomTM Excitation Wavelengths 460 – 1300nm Spatial Resolution Up to 160 µm (PA) Up to 70 µm (FL) Acquisition Time 36 s per scan
肿瘤的微血管网络不仅调节有助于生长和转移的营养物质供应,还影响抗癌疗法的反应。因此,肿瘤生长和新血管发育的临床前研究对于癌症基础研究和治疗发展至关重要。TriTom 是一个 3D 成像平台,可以解析复杂且大小各异的肿瘤供血血管,并量化微血管的局部密度。此外,TriTom 在所有三个解剖平面上都具有出色的空间分辨率,可以从任何角度可视化和监测微血管网络。这一独特优势使得纵向监测肿瘤血管发育和评估针对癌症血液供应的疗法成为可能。
Figure 1: (a) TriTom observation of a tumor-bearing hairless mouse model and (b) corresponding MIP coronal slab constructed from TriTom data acquired with 700 and 1064 nm laser excitation. The high-resolution image shows the local tumor environment (red ROI) and supplying vascular structures (blue arrows). Scale bar = 5 mm.
Figure 2: MIP coronal slabs encompassing anterior structures up to 10 mm deep in healthy (top) and tumor-bearing (bottom) mice. The reconstructed TriTom volumes show the high-resolution vascular anatomy maps produced by the TriTom without exogenous contrast agents. Additionally, the superior resolution in all three anatomical planes enables in vivo monitoring of tumor (orange ROI) growth and microvascular development (purple arrows). 1. Superficial lateral vein, 2. Intestines, 3. Superficial abdominal arteries, 4. Deep circumflex iliac artery, 5. Common iliac artery, 6. External iliac artery, 7. Lateral caudal vein. Scale bar = 5mm.
准确无创地测量肿瘤大小和形态对评估新疗法的效果至关重要。然而,由于空间分辨率差和成像深度有限,目前的成像方式无法提供完整的肿瘤环境图像。TriTom 是一种高分辨率 3D 成像技术,在深层组织中具有出色的分子灵敏度。TriTom 图像可以详细显示肿瘤形态,并能够准确地纵向评估肿瘤的生长情况。这些关键特性使 TriTom 成为临床前癌症研究中监测肿瘤生长、转移和治疗反应的有力工具。
Figure 3: in vivo evaluation of tumor growth. (a) High-resolution MIP of the 700 nm and 1064 nm TriTom volumes showing the tumor and its immediate environment. (b) Axial cross-section of the tumor noted by the dashed line in (a). This region corresponds to the H&E-stained tumor section (c) with corresponding structures (orange and yellow ROIs) and tumor microvasculature (arrows) identified and readily available for quantitative measurements. Scale bar = 1 mm.