What is Cancer Imaging?
Cancer imaging: In applications related to cancer, photoacoustic tomography has been used to noninvasively monitor tumor size, evaluate tumor metastasis, and detect the response to novel cancer therapies.

PhotoSound Product Used
Water-Soluble Fe(II) Complexes for Theranostic Application: Synthesis, Photoacoustic Imaging, and Photothermal Conversion
Co-registered photoacoustic and fluorescent imaging of a switchable nanoprobe based on J-aggregates of indocyanine green
Gold nanoparticles conjugated with DNA aptamer for photoacoustic detection of human matrix metalloproteinase-9
Whole-Body Human Ultrasound Tomography
Radiation-Induced Acoustic Signal Denoising Using a Supervised Deep Learning Framework for Imaging and Therapy Monitoring
Y-Net: Hybrid Deep Learning Image Reconstruction for Photoacoustic Tomography In Vivo
Deep Learning Enabled Real-Time Photoacoustic Tomography System Via Single Data Acquisition Channel
Size-Adjustable Ring-Shape Photoacoustic Tomography Imager In Vivo
Massive Parallel Ultrasound and Photoacoustic PC-Based System
Real-Time, Volumetric Imaging of Radiation Dose Delivery Deep into the Liver During Cancer Treatment
Automatic Force-Controlled 3D Photoacoustic System for Human Peripheral Vascular Imaging